domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016

Email tú eres la empresa

Vamos a suponer que en vez de escribir a una compañía, tú eres la compañía y quieres ganarte a los clientes. ¿Qué harías para conseguir más clientela? Observa este email y marca las diferentes partes que hemos aprendido en clase. 

Jul 16, 2016

Jacob Jackson
Beech Grove Electronics
3590 Plainfield Road
IndianapolisIN 46296

Dear Mr. Jackson:

My company is pleased that you are interested in acquiring T-Mobile Nokia digital phones. We are confident in our products and have all kind of phones with the highest technology.

I understand that you want a phone with full-color LCD, multimedia player, speaker phone, and voice mailing. We have been studying your credit for approval. We would like to do business with everyone but we are concerned about the risk, so we want to be really sure that each of our buyers have enough credibility.

I personally spoke with Pat Huckabee, my credit manager, and he told me that we can accept cash from your company. My company generally offers a credit to applicants referred to us by the credit-reporting service, and we are encouraged to investigate our customers’ credit record.

I suggest you acquire small number of phones. If you pay in cash, you can receive 2 percent of discount. After you have sold your fast-moving units, you can place another cash order through your toll-free order number. With our fast delivery system, the inventory will never be depleted. You can purchase the cameras right now or overnight.

Thank you for your interestI hope you will continue to trust in our services.


Jose Manuel Hernandez
CellCity Sales Manager


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